
How to start trading with Indo Capital :

  1. Fill Account Opening Eform and follow the instructions at: Account Opening Eform Page with your mobile device, or you can contact our Customer Service at +62 821 3007 0045, +62 859 3005 0045, +62 857 1002 0045.

  2. PT Indo Capital Sekuritas
    Jl. Persatuan Guru No.41A
    Jakarta Pusat 10160
    Telp: +62 21 385 3363
    Fax : +62 21 385 3362
    (unsigned documents will be sent back for completion and will slow down the account opening process)

  3. The minimum intial deposit is Rp.5,000,000,- can be transffered to your Investor Fund Account (rekening dana nasabah / RDN) which will be informed upon the completion of Account Opening Process.

  4. Client will receive Account Opening confirmation along with the USER ID, PASSWORD, and TRADING PIN.

  5. USER ID, PASSWORD, and TRADING PIN can be used to do online trading through Online Trading Indo Capital Sekuritas (OTIS).